How Technical Analysis Can Indicate Profitable Options Trades

If you don't use any form of technical analysis as a part of your options trading system, there's a good chance you've been missing out on plenty of profitable options trades. Technical analysis is commonly used by stock, index and futures traders, but many options traders ignore what can be a helpful addition to their trading arsenal. The main reason is that if you know what the trend is when you are placing your trades, you're not going to be fighting it. Small traders need to have as many things going for us as we can, and getting on board a big trend can help you to make some very profitable long term trades.

But if your options trading system ignores the trend of the market, it going to make it more difficult to make money consistently without actively managing your positions on a regular basis. You can also enter additional positions in the direction of the trend as the price of the underlying goes up or down, with a higher chance of them turning out to be profitable. By compounding your profits with the trend like this, you have lower risk than if you ignore where the market is going. In trading, the trend is always your friend, so for most traders, that's the way you want to bias your positions.

So if an options trading system that uses technical analysis as one of it's signals is a good idea, will it help you to make money on every trade? No, because there isn't a system or tool works every time in every market - there are just too many variables. Every trader and trading system has losses because there's no way to know exactly what the market will do. But if you can read and understand what a price chart is telling you. you'll be able to make trades based on market direction in addition to your other analysis.

So what are your choices if you'd like to trade options, but you're not that confident about your technical analysis or trading ability? An easy way to remove most of the learning curve and become a profitable trader is to use a system that's been developed by a successful trader, and just copy their trades. For a lot of new traders who haven't yet developed an profitable options trading system of their own, it's a great idea to let somebody else spend the time and money it takes to discover an options strategy that makes money. Then all you have to do is subscribe, enter the trades as they are published by the service, and let the system do the work for you


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